Parent/Teen Group Coaching Bundle

If you’re looking for common skills, language and ideas to use as a family, the group coaching bundle is for you.  In this option, you enroll one teen in the group coaching program for teens and parents in the group coaching program for adults (both beginning June 1st).

While there are some differences between the teen and adult group coaching programs, there is a lot of overlap, and that is where the synergy for families happens. When you and your teen are learning the same life management skills, you can apply them together and share what you’re learning. Most of all, it gives you a common language and puts you on the same page.

In group coaching for parents, you’ll learn:

  • How your thoughts impact what happens in your life
  • The impact of mindset on parenting and your life
  • To look carefully at how you’re managing stress
  • More about the specifics of your personality and how it impacts the way you lead your family
  • How to integrate what you learn into your life

In the group coaching program for teens, they will:

  • Learn how their thoughts impact every area of their lives
  • Identify the impact of mindset on what they’re able to accomplish
  • Look carefully at how they’re managing stress in their lives
  • Learn/review the basics of organization and self-motivation for academic life
  • Set short-term and long-term goals and outline the steps for accomplishing them
  • Discover more about the specifics of their personality and how it impacts the way they lead themselves through life
  • How to effectively integrate what they learn into their lives

This program bundle will include:

  • A separate 1-hour group coaching call each week for parents and teens (which will be recorded if you’re unable to catch it live) in which we’ll explore a topic in-depth through conversation and Q and A
  • A printable PDF workbook for the parenting group
  • A printable PDF workbook for the teen group
  • Parent access to a Facebook group specifically for this group, and teen access to the Remind app profile specifically for that group
  • The option to include your parenting partner in the group coaching call for parents each week

The day/time for the weekly coaching call will be determined via survey after registration is complete. All participants will have access to the replay of sessions for the duration of the 6-week program. Live attendance is not require.

Because this is the founder’s launch of this program, this bundle is priced at $697 (the lowest price at which it will ever be offered).